At Acme – Every Dog Has Its Day! 602-257-ACME . . . . #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #Serigraphs #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags

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“Do I Have To Pay Any Set-Up Fees Or Screen Charges?” NOOOO! Acme has no hidden screen/set-up fees for printing! However, in some situations your art may require a special separation process, which would add $20 per ink. This is only in cases where your art contains complex color gradients or phot-realistic art. We’ll let you know if you’ll need ’em.caveat: embroidered images are subject to a one-time-only “digitizing” fee to cover the time and cost associated with translating the image into the format necessary for automated stitching. We will keep your “digitized” artwork for the REMAINDER OF ALL TIME… that means you and the generations of ancestors that follow will enjoy embroidery of said image in a state of “no fee-like” nirvana. 602-257-ACME . . . . . #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #Serigraphs #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags

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