“Hargest tries to set Acme apart from other screen printers by embracing such environmentally-friendly tactics as LED lighting, energy-efficient equipment and a special ink-reclamation system to prevent plastisol inks from going down the drain. However, customers may be just as appreciative of the friendly greeting they’ll receive from Hargest’s two rescued pit bulls who come to work daily.” http://ift.tt/1TEe8xE #AZCentral #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #Serigraphs #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags

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We screen print many of our shirts using plastisol inks, which are the most common type of screen printing ink, but we also offer discharge inks, and water-based inks, which cost a little more due to them being a more involved process and a better product. Discharge inks remove the color of the shirt and leave a new color or the natural cotton color if no pigment is added. Once washed, the print has virtually no feel, resulting in soft, breathable cotton. Waterbase inks are similar to discharge inks in that they result in a nice soft, breathable print, but since they’re not 100% opaque on dark garments, they’re usually only used on light colored shirts. Hello@AcmePrints.com 602-257-ACME https://acmeprints.com #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #Serigraphs #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags

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