ARTWORK: The Basics Art should be submitted AT THE SIZE YOU WANT IT PRINTED. We can take all vector files (Illustrator, preferably) and high resolution (at least 300 dpi/ppi) pixel-based/raster files (.eps, .psd, .tif, high-quality .jpg, etc). Please, do not simply raise the resolution of files by plugging in higher numbers to your existing low-resolution file. It will just make it big and fuzzy.We do the color separating ourselves since most folks don’t know how to. We will do this for free (unlike other screen printers) but if it is very complex we will give you an estimate for file prep work.None of the widely available graphics programs directly address the needs of screen printing, so a varying amount of “pre-flight” work must be done by us for every file. Although we can deal with almost any file sent to us, the whole production process can be expedited, and greater quality assurances can be guaranteed, if a few moments are taken to check the items in this list before submission. We do understand that circumstances don’t always permit strict adherence to these guidelines, but we’ll probably give you a hard time just for fun. 602-257-ACME #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #Serigraphs #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags

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Need hem tags? Yep, we do that! 602-257-ACME #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #HemTags #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags

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