Ariana Grande wearing a @peta tank we printed here at Acme Prints. “Ariana Grande has been a vegan since November 2013, but she has also vocalized support for the anti-SeaWorld documentary “Blackfish,” as well as worn PETA shirts that declare “find your voice for animals.”
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Don’t have a finished design yet? No problem! Acme’s designers and illustrators are hyper-talented and can create the custom image of your dreams. 602-257-ACME . . . . #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #Serigraphs #RoboticMonkeyPirates #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags
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Customer Spotlight: @valleybarphx Valley Bar is Downtown Phoenix’s premiere intimate venue and bar.
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We’re back in business! A downed power line fell on a fence behind the shop yesterday, which electrified it and lit all the grass and debris at the base on fire. !!!
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