Customer Spotlight: Church at the Mount This church is complete with an organ from the 1880โs, a pulpit that was once a pipe organ in the famous Hammond Theater, pews built in 1931 in the style of the late 1800โs, chandeliers made from old wagon wheels, and a rough hewn wooden cross. #churchatthemount #masiiah #goldfieldghosttown #ghosttown #1893 #superstitionmountains #arizona #boomtobust #goldfield #goldfieldgunfighters #wildwest #apachetrail
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We got this card in the mail today! Rubyโs Mom got these hats for her and the supporters of Ruby for the Delta Gamma Center for Children โ Run for Sight. An annual run to rain funds for visually impaired children.
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A big welcome to the newest player for Team Acme – Zack Phillips! Go, Zack! Win the sports!
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Whatโs that you ask? Lanyards? Why, yes! We CAN make a gajillion lanyards for you. 602-257-ACME . . . . #AcmePrints #PrintingPhoenix #lanyards #BigYam #AcmeScreenPrinting #PhoenixScreenPrinting #TshirtPrinting #TShirts #TeeShirts #ScreenPrintedShirts #phoenixaz #localphoenix #downtownphoenix #ScreenPrintedPosters #ScreenPrintedHats #silkscreen #tshirt #design #art #screenprint #printing #embroidery #PromotionalProducts #EnamelPins #DischargePrinting #SilkScreenedShirts #ScreenPrintedHats #Banners #ThisIsALotOfHashtags
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